Santiago, Chile

Santiago, Chile

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANGEL AND BLANCA WERE BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The service was on Saturday, and it was sooo special. I got to baptize Blanca, and I had to do it 4 times because either I messed up the words or not all her body was submerged. The water was freezing. I felt like such a rookie haha! But she got baptized so that’s what matters. We have a teen that always accompanies us to our appointments named Juan Valdes, who is preparing to serve a mission. He baptized Angel, and it was the first time he was able to get in the font. We were so happy for him! They were really miracles of the Lord. There was a lot of resistance, from the water heater busting on us, to a mishap with the fire hose (everything is alright! don’t you worry!) and God gave us a miracle. They along with Magali were confirmed on Sunday and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. They are all so happy. They’re just beaming. Magali has a lot of health issues, but now she feels like she has more energy. She can walk without shaking! Angel had an incredible experience with prayer on Sunday and wants to serve a mission. Blanca is always so cheerful. I couldn’t have asked for anything more. 

This Ward has been a land of miracles for me. Ill be here for minimum 6 months, and I’m happy to do it. Sometimes I realize that I don’t have time for anything else. There isn’t time to think between studies, tracting, talking with everyone on the street, planning, and sleeping. That’s alright. I have all my life to relax, but only 2 years to be an authorized full time servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. Oh no. I just realized that I have less than a year left. Gotta get back out to the field!

Training Elder Ferreira has been a great experience for me. I just hope that when I’m a real dad that ill have a kid like him. So teachable. so humble. So many lessons to learn!

Sorry for the lack of Pictures. In the missionary handbook it says that we cant take pictures during proselyting time, and that we´re never to look like a tourist. I’m still trying to figure out how to not look like a tourist haha! Love you all!

I know that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God. He paid for my sins, standing between Justice and I. the Only thing he wants is for us to follow him. Let us all be better servants of our loving master


Elder Pomar

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


I was sooooo happy for Elder Ferreira. His first baptism. Im so proud of him! He´s been a great companion. Here in the mission, we call the missionary that we are training "son." I’m very happy to be his "father" in the mission. For those of you who are preparing too serve a mission, the greatest experience you could ever have is train a new missionary. All the greenie power in the world!

So transfers came and went, and I´ll be here for six more weeks in Nueva San Martin. That’ll rack up 6 months in this sector, but I’ve honestly felt as if it were 6 weeks with how fast the time has flown. Here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lord dumbfounds me over and over and over again with the blessings he gives us. I honestly feel unworthy to have been given so much. You just have to pay the blessings back with hard work and obedience! Here are some of the miracles that we have:

Angel and Blanca: They are so prepared. Blanca went to the baptism of Magali and cant wait for her baptism this Saturday. We finished all the lessons with her on Sunday, and she has her interview Wednesday. Please pray for her and Angel so everything goes through!!! We are so happy to have them with us in our family. 

The Muñoz Family: We found them contacting one day and we discovered by accident that the father, Gabriel, was baptized with his family along time ago, but his name wasn’t on the records. We entered in the house, and within 5 minutes they told us that they were protestants and that they didn’t want anything to do with us and that they didn’t have time, so they kicked us out. That was about 3 months ago with Elder Allen. The other day with Elder Ferreira, we ran into the son, who then told us something that made our jaw drop: Hey, we really miss you guys not coming! We read the brochure you left and we loved it! When can you come by again? SO OF COURSE WE WENT BACK!!! We taught them the restoration yesterday and it was ridiculous. Halfway through the lesson, Gabriel basically took over and taught the entire lesson to his son Joe (who isn’t a member) and started talking about how when he was baptized he felt soooo l much peace and how of course what we were saying should be true. Startled, We invited Joe to baptism, and he accepted! They just have to talk with the Mom to make sure everything is good. And she’s not a member either..... FOREVER FAMILY!!! PS: Gabriel is a total sneakerhead. He collects Jordans!

The Badilla Family: We had found a family the other day, but they didn’t show too much signs of promise at first. God was gonna prove us wrong. We went to the house, and there was complete racket and people running from here to there and when we finally calmed everyone down and said a prayer, we nervously started the lesson. We taught the restoration, and I promise you that I have never had such a powerful lesson. All four accepted to be baptized on the 10th of October and are going to attend church.


Elder Pomar

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hey Hey Hey, Its Pday! 

This week has been absolutely incredible. If it weren’t for time, I´d write EVERYTHING, because it’s been crazy. We taught over 30 investigators and recent converts this week, 14 of them for the first time. I’ve been absolutely astonished with the blessings that God has been literally pouring out on us. We have sooo many good things going in this ward!!!

We have 3 investigators with Baptismal dates: Magali for the 19th of September and Blanca with her son Angel for the 26th of September. They are all miracles of the Lord. Magali tells us in every lesson "This is the first time I’ve listened to you Mormons, and I absolutely love it!!" Angel and Blanca have such wonderful dispositions. Angel has15 years but is an incredible kid. So open. So honest! And we have other investigator named Cristofer who is a machine. He only has 15 years as well, but in one week he read all of 1 Nephi. I’m so impressed! He just wants to find the truth. But you have to here the greatest part: None of his Family are members, but they ALL read the Book of Mormon, together at times! Missionaries had passed in 2008, but they lost contact. The Lord has absolutely prepared them!

Yesterday It was raining sooooooooooooooo hard. I’ve never seen so much water coming down in all my mission. We got completely soaked haha! Looks like winter got a little behind here. It’s really cold right now! But not colder than those mornings in Murrieta when I had to got to seminary haha! 

Elder Ferriera is such a good guy. He respects everything I tell him and he really wants to learn and be the best missionary he can be. We´re speaking Portuguese every day and I love it! I’m so blessed by the Lord. Without him, I could do nothing.

Love you all!

Elder Pomar 

Hey Everyone,

Below is Caleb's awesome e-mail, but I also wanted to share a very sweet e-mail that I received today from one of Caleb's missionary companions, Elder Araya. I wrote to him in broken Spanish thanking him and he wrote me back this e-mail in his broken English. I didn't correct a word of it! It's too precious. :)

Thanks, sister Pomar! Well, i can't write you with perfect English, but i will try like you do :D
Elder Pomar was one of my best companions. He was always happy with a BIG, BIG SMILE, always. That helps me to be always hopeful and to work with all my strength. When I’ve received your son, he hasn't baptized yet, so all my efforts were to baptize with him. We did it, and I’m so happy because of that. He is a great missionary, he deserves more than what he has received. You have a great servant of the Lord. And I’m proud for the opportunity to serve with him.

Love u, Pomar Family!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hey hey hey everyone!!! 

Here’s your friendly neighborhood half Chilean missionary reporting in! This week has been filled with nothing but hard work. But then again, is anything less expected? I’ve taken really seriously the role of trainer so I’m trying to be the best example I can be. 

In Preach My Gospel, the guide that we have as missionaries, it says that we should talk with everyone, and so we literally talk with EVERYONE. It’s a lot of fun! And when the people don’t want to talk we just say, "have a nice day!" It’s really funny to see the reactions of the people. Some are really nice, others look scared, others look suspicious at us. Yesterday we were knocking on a door and while the man opened the door he looked at us for one second and said "OH NO!!!" and closed the door as fast as he had opened it. Elder Ferreira and I burst out laughing! The mission is always a lot better when you look on the bright side.

We have one investigator that is going to be baptized on the 12th!!! Her name is Magali. She’s an older lady who we found knocking doors. She told us that all her life she had listened to just about every religion, but not ours! She went to church and she loved it! We're going to try and start teaching the rest of her family as well.

The other day I had to go to another sector that was more affluent, just for the day. It was just like the United States. I honestly felt uncomfortable with all the space that there was. I was really happy to get back to my compact area. I love it here soooooo much!!! 

I know that this is the work of the Lord. If it were not, I wouldn’t been giving of my time to spread it. May God bless you all, and sorry for the short email. You all are the best!! 

Love you all!

Elder Pomar